Dorian Mode

You should definitely be honest with her about the fact that this bothers you. Tell her you understand how her job stresses her and that you don’t want to force her to follow your schedule 100%, but that you feel she isn’t showing you the same respect and needs to meet you in the middle. Tell her that if she just

“Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred chicks I banged behind your back

Pedantry: that was Johnson, not Hume.

“Noah Hawley’s . . . diaper . . . is . . . full . . . of . . . shit.”

If your roommate has strangers over for Yahtzee every night then they are definitely going to murder you

There are mental issues that can result in a spike in sexual activity, but a high rate of sexual activity isn’t automatically or even usually proof of a mental disorder. It’s possible he has other issues, but in the absence of hard evidence, it’s really not something your roommates should be armchair diagnosing you

Or is it a reference to this guy?

We are all a part of the movie. We are in the movie and the movie is in us. Community plays the same backwards and forwards.

You know, you don’t have to be here. You can leave if you’re not having any fun. We don’t mind.

Let me help:

This seems like the kind of article where Serious Media Knowers get Big Mad in the comments.

i still to this day can’t figure out if this movie is a deconstruction of manic pixie dream girl tropes, or a celebration. i feel like summer is presented as a list of tastes, with no inner life like the typical mdpg, the smiths scene is the most obvious offender, but there is an argument that tom isn’t interested in

Ideally not, but here you are. 

Dear Savage Nobody, big fan. So, the other night I was with a group of... well, let’s call them friends. So there we were all there, chilling, in our robes, the pure maiden of virtue true tied up within the sacrificial pentagram, having a great time singing the unholy odes in the ancient tongue that only the damned

I guess if you hate puns and comedy legends. 

It only works in the Han to Luke sense. And it doesn’t actually work there either. ;)

Maybe you should drop 20 pounds.

I’ve found that “Maybe you should drop 20 pounds” is a great response to almost any question regardless of context!

Summer series, had us a blast/