Dorian Mode

Your examples of Deus Ex Machina aren’t actual Deus Ex Machina. The definition is “whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and seemingly unlikely occurrence”. I just don’t feel it’s that unexpected that Dany saves Jon, seeing that they had been flying

Well, so I’m tending bar up there at the Land of Always Winter last Tuesday and this little guy’s drinking and he says, “So where can a guy find some action? I’m goin’ crazy out there at the frozen lake.” And I says, “What kind of action?” And he says, “Dragon action. What do I look like?” And I says, “Well what do I

Since this article didn’t make it clear, if you have Amazon Prime, you can watch it this weekend or any time afterward. If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you can watch it for free this weekend only, not after.

It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.

The bedazzled romper! The catnip-and-milk hookah! The cosmic onesie! Queen of Twist Endings!

Did not know this was an influencer cat. Just thought it was a Flerken. 

Why... do you suspect this?

And after I dropped this perfect opportunity in your Lapp?!

You’ve just described Hamlet.

Mynd you, vigilånti bites Kan be pretti nasti.

you wouldnt believe it but i earned $7532 last month wokring from home just pretending to hate dc movies and care about democracy. thanks marvel and george soros lol! for more info its super easy just look in the drudge reprot comments section

I appreciate Dan’s neologism of “paleogism,” though given the Savage Love context, I’m surprised that he didn’t spell it with a “j.” 

Well, everyone knows most AV Club commentators have seen Rushmore.  What this comment presupposes is... maybe someone didn’t?

Everything I know about Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector of England born in 1599 died in 1658 September) is from that Monty Python song.

It’s like somebody created this headline in a lab specifically for me to click on it as fast as humanly possible.

Antoni will teach you how to cut a tomato! Meanwhile Bobby wont get much screentime because he is rebuilding your house. 

Already calling that her new album will be the best of the year for me, unless E·MO·TION manages that feat for the 4th year in a row. Loved Party for One, and this 30-second clip of the chorus is the joy I need.

Politics Corner - Trump won! Dems caved! Oh, those cowardly Dems gave handsome, stable genius Trump a bill for him to sign with his big strong hands to build 55 miles of fencing, which was even more than he was asking for, from a patriot’s perspective. Every GOP leader is saying so, and I agree. As a further victory,

So when are Hitchcock & Scully getting their own spin-off series? And what will it be called? I’m thinking Airwolf or The Great British Bake Off.

Neil Campbell wrote this? To think, verily, I almost didn’t watch it. So glad I found the... time *unnnhhuhh.*