doran is our handbook.

What is this? An F1 car and world for ants!?

Swiping a bagel from a meeting you're not attending. It's that kind of thrill.

Make sure you read everything with a Jersey accent.

I have long been spreading word of /DRIVE, I think they are on the cutting edge of automotive journalism, they take it to a whole new level as compared to the more established sources out there ie Car and Driver, not that C&T doesn't do a great job... but /DRIVE is so grass roots and being run by the most innovative

omg cannot wait for this..DRIVE is awesome. Jalopnik is double awesome....too mch awesome in one day..

F1, a parade, followed by a protest, followed by a lawsuit, followed by an appeal, followed by...
As it has been ever so.
At least fans have been treated to new drivers at the front, so the amount of F1 parades will be less this season. Oh, and no life threatening exploding tires, so improvement there. Keep it up,

Chilton in 13th.

Here we see it in its natural habitat. The redneck watering hole.

Nobody has ever done this while wearing a shirt.

Flip Phone sighting @ 1:05

I can verify that these cars sound better than a Merkur XR4Ti...

But... flowtie

You carry yourself very well for a 12 year old.

Good god man (kid, I might say). I was 10 in '92. Damn good year. First year tackle football and got my SNES.

I miss jean shorts

Martini Jalopnik!