
@LTDScott: I think that was Jackson Hole.

Is it some kind of illusion or are these guys the worst shots ever. Most of the tracers seem to be going high.

Does the "F" stand for Ferrari?

CR-Z on this list should be an utter embarrassment to the Honda engineers. I know it is a hybrid but it is a "sport hybrid" which should count for some handling prowess even if lacking in acceleration. But apparently this car has neither. Great concept, total fail on execution.

I've done this before, the push while in gear part not the hitting the house part.

The photo used for #1 needs to be changed. That Craigs list ad has all the details I need:

"The woman’s 2-year-old son sustained minor injuries, as his head struck the back of the front seat of her 2005 Ford Explorer. Conklin said the boy was in a safety seat; however, the seat was apparently defective."

No one thought to go to the top of the hill and prevent cars from driving down? Everyone keeps running to the left.

I still prefer the Raptor simply because it is in production. GM has dangled the near production carrot infront of us all to often only to yank it back at the last minute. Those images don't even look like photos to me but some kind of refined artist concept.

@CJinSD: Huh?!? Conspiracy much? There are plenty of tin foil hat forums on the internet. Check them out.

I'd take a 140MPH top speed for a sub-3 second 0-60. Going super fast on a straight is more scary than fun. Hitting some twisties in the double digits is all smiles.

Well it's not like the upfitter took an Audi S6 Avant and turned it into this monstrosity. Ugly crossover + hearse package = Ugly hearse.

μ = 0

So the guy from KISS is wearing a pocket square? I think I've see it all.

Hasn't got anything on this Corvette:

I kept waiting to see something forbidden in the US. Then I saw it at the very end:

Why not just plug his mind into an electric motor in the steering column? Then he wouldn't even need to use his hands.

someone else's

Good thing they included handrails. Safety first!