
120 inch long Panamera? Maybe after front and rear crash testing.

"2000 Rodeo Truck Champion" Looks like the bull bucked a bit to hard.

correlation ≠ causation

Given Fiat's reputation in the US including a completely new valve actuation system and a two piece head seems like a huge risk to me. If it works reliably only a single digit percent of buyers will care and if it fails 100% of people will re-associate FIAT with unreliability.

@80Supra: Just wondering what car that is?

The Sultan of Bruni must really have some pull with the design team. He has long been all about Ferraris for four with room for luggage. It would be interesting to see this with four doors. It would be very Panamera looking.

Ummm.... is the snow really required? An '82 LTD with no compression in 2 cylinders could do donuts on that surface. No super impressive.

While the GT is and will be an amazing car I've long wondered if it was a bit too much. Too much cost, to much of new tech in one car, and too much of a super car. Yes I said too much of a super car. The Corvette occupies from the high end of the Mustang price range to the low end of the Porsche 911 prices. This

Just curious how this will be ratioed. Are they adding 3 gears to the top of an auto 6 or closer ratios in between?

@whitehatspecial: I should expand my question: Will a wagon version be offered for sale in the United States? It was discontinued here a few years back.

@scottiemeotter: Looks like the hazards to me. Might be an indication that the car actually hit the moose as some cars automatically turn on the hazards when an accident is detected.

Wagon version?

@hoon_n_friends: No kidding. The classic blue is what a plate should be. You used to be able to ID a plate from a mile away now there is a plate for every cause and school under the sun.

@moefosho: I don't get what your saying. 1993 Supra: 276 HP

2012 Breadvan?

@fuhteng: Yeah you're probably right but not by much. 275 HP seemed like such a mind blowingly awesome number from a car off the dealer lot but now that is Accord V6 territory.

How far we've come. The year I graduated high school (1995) I remember debating Mustang vs Camaro and thinking they were both amazing machines. Here were the specs:

@$kaycog: I'm guessing he used his finger to do the drawing but maybe I'm wrong.

What do the rocker switches and buttons on the ceiling do? (they are where the radio display would go) I hope something equally cool.