
I once had an '88 Subaru GL-10 turbo wagon. It had a manually locking center diff with a limited slip rear. That thing was so much fun in the snow. A friend of mine had a long up hill driveway that was covered in ice and no one could get up it even with a 4wd. I opened the hood, pulled the coil wire so it wouldn't

@CJinSD: That price includes the $2000 alloy rims option. One can by this car very well spec'd for less than $17,000 including options and destination.

Is it wrong that I'm wondering how it handles in several feet of water?

If they only made 500 Camrys in a production run the unit cost would be more than like a few million dollars. And you would only have a Camry at the end of the day. Are 500 at $400,000 ($200,000,000 gross revenue) that much more exclusive than 5000 at $100,000 ($500,000,000 gross revenue)? I don't think so. Did

For all the good Ford is doing to get its act together (mainly bringing Euro spec small cars to the US) getting rid of Volvo strikes me as a big mistake. Many of the new cars Ford is now releasing to fanfare are based on Volvo platforms.

@dopplerd: This has been a long day and the idea of this trike must be totally messing with my brain. Now that I THINK about it the engine totally in front of the axle. Sheesh... is it five yet?

Due to the engine placement in the Ford Escort (behind the front axle) this think looks like it is prone to wheelies, the trailer on the back can't help.

Let me guess: these people are not UAW members.

There is a lot of weird stuff in this list. A 2008 Scion Xd? There is no way that would qualify. Before people get to upset about the cars on this list see the first page, "as submitted, not necessarily reviewed or approved."

I'm suspicious of the data listed here. The linked article mentions that a 2008 Scion xD was traded in as a clunker. There is no way such a car would qualify for the program due to its gas mileage. My guess is that there is a lot of junk in the database that needs to be verified/cleaned.

@40Valve: Not suprising, everybody gets out of YOUR way.

Interesting that you are calling this stuff that comes out of Canada Canadian "Oil" as it is really oily rock that is really difficult to get usable oil out of. Here is an video explaining the process: []

@BaconSandwich: The sobriety of the wrestlers is not know but the woman driving the car they were in was cited for DUI.

Four door toyota pickup with full sized bed looks pretty sweet in my book. Rear doors could be a little better but not bad.

While not in SF I have been in a flying car many times. The story that follows was the most dramatic.

Isn't the Tacoma made there? Where is it going to be bolted together if the plant closes?

Adhesive venti-ports. Case Closed

By my count 7 of the ten are made in the United States so this is a big boost for workers. He in Chicago there has been some news about the Belvidere Assembly plant (Dodge Caliber) being restarted a month early. This few billion dollars seems to have done more to stimulate the auto economy than any of the bailout

There is a guy in my neighborhood who drives a Montero that is only slightly less over-the-top than this thing. For some reason the thing that bugs me the most is that all of the flame stickers the Montero guy put on are backwards. The tips of the flames point to the front of the truck. I hope he doesn't see this