
I'm curious to see how the combination one wheel/all wheel drive will work.

@can't find no job, that's why I ain't go no...: This bridge was recently replaced. So this bridge was not one of the ones with rebar poking out. I guess on the plus side they have all of the engineering work done and just have to pull the plans out of the archive.

@Mobius_1000_Club: Which one managed to form a sentence correctly? By my count it is 0 for 7.

Kiwis have always had some pretty graphic driving adverts. Having lived there for a while they really stick with you. Here is one of the more memorable.

I've been to 1, 3, 6, 7, and 9. I'm not a train guy, just happen to have been through these stations. I'd have to say that the worst is the Blue line in Chicago, but maybe that is because I've spent a large percent of my life waiting for the el.

Mud Puppy!!!

Isn't Epsilon II a FWD platform (malibu)? Not the right direction for a German killer in my opinion.

Fact check on the stats please.

Damn, it's $3,300 over the LeMons budget to qualify for LeMons.

Apparently "Easy does it" to a British reporter means "slam on the brakes."

I usually find it best to dip the rotor in a bucket of used motor oil before installing them. It helps inhibit rust.

I really don't understand this move by Ford. All of their new car models are based on either Volvo or Mazda platforms. Seems like even if Volvo itself is not making money the intellectual cross pollination into Ford is a big winner. This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater in my opinion.

Any bets on how long before we see one "en fuego?"

I see this guy all the time. I ride my bicycle to work a lot during the summer (It's faster than driving) and the douche is always parked out at the lakefront with his shirt off sitting on the hood of his Ferrari. I have long gotten a major prick vibe just seeing him, this confirms it. If you want to witness in

I was skeptical of a Chevy Cruze race car. But check out these specs:

This is not a good race for BMWs. I count 3 with damage and 2 already out of the race. And they are only 2 laps in.

Either an engineer is furiously redesigning the door latches or a marketing person is writing copy about the Chevy Cruze's new "easy escape" feature.

Pennsylvania looks like the hardest hit state, 53 closures. Texas has 50 and is a bigger state.

Last summer an uninsured, unlicensed, and intoxicated 16 year old took the mirror off my parked car (on his way to hitting 6 other vehicles along the block and totaling his car). I know how pissed off I was, not so much about the mirror but the uninsured, unlicensed, and intoxicated part of things, and can't imagine

I once had a windshield wiper motor that was going bad and needed help for the first 3 inches of the up stroke. I attached a bike cable and housing to the arm and ran it to a handle inside. I just had to give a little pull and the wipers worked fine.