
That's standard for Chicago. A few years back an off duty Chicago cop KILLED two people in a car doing 50 on a residential street at 2am. No field sobrity, no breathalyzer, DUI charges thrown out for lack of evidence.

I'm even more surprised at a school administration that didn't go ape shit over this. Isn't the job of a school principle to make examples anyone not following the student handbook?

Ability to make left hand turns: CHECK

Kind of reminds me of "Well the Jerk store called, they are all out of you."

I remember listening the the car talk guys about 10 years ago and they recommended that Ford add pallbearer handles to the sides so that your family could save on burial costs when you are killed driving this car.

@TowerOfPower: Unless there is new info the A-10 is considered operational until 2028 an possibly later. 356 of them have reciently received upgraded avionics among other enhancements.

Looks good to me. I hope it gets made. I really like the hatchback on a sedan look, sexy and functional. Very reminiscent of the Mazda6 Five door. As much as I would love to hear that it is a custom ground up chassis, that would lower the chances of it ever existing in production form by a factor of 100.

Interesting. The EPA estimated combined cycle mileage is 53mpg. This gets 46mpg with the performance upgrades. Sounds like the whole battery thing is just a bunch of e-engineers trying to stay employed.

Also can someone translate:

Are rally cars geared short? It seems like the Impreza is reving about 5K RPM in sixth gear and only going about 90. Just curious.

I've had mobile WIFI in my 1999 Camry (I know, I know but the car was a free hand-me-down from the inlaws) for two years now. Here is how it works: 3G cell phone with bluetooth tethered to a laptop configured as a WIFI access point. It even works in other cars! I've had as many as four people surfing the internet

@MrEvil: I have seen chains break (I don't know what they were using here, it looks like a combination of tow straps, chains, and cables) and put dents into heavy gauge steel. I have no problem believing that amputation or very serious injury would have resulted had a person been straddling the tow line, like is

While the cast iron bath tub likely provides adequate protection for the guy's ass the low profile roll bar less so. Maybe he just figured that there wasn't anything important up there.

Am I the only one who was waiting for the tire to come of the rim and give the local Ford body shop some rollover repair work?

I don't know if I would place blame entirely on the rear ender. There looks to be some front end damage as well. I can see grass through the top of the wheel well. Plus if some Lambo cuts you off and the driver stands on the brakes your car isn't going to stop as quick regardless of your driving skills.

What was the OwnerConnection suppose to due? I've never heard of it before.

@Maxichamp: It is from "Wanted" which had a lot of location stuff in Chicago but the car chase scenes were to over-the-top for me. I'd give it a 2 out of five.

So Jalopnik's hacking score card is as follows:

Crack pipe. While any car at that price is a thought experiment for me this is one of my favorite cars of all time. There is just something about it. If it had been a factory spec restore I would be a certain "Nice Price" but in its euro trash upgrade no thanks.

@NineSevenOh: I agree. Marketing and advertising is a reasonable and justifiable business expense. $85,000 seems like a steal compared to what a 30 second spot runs during the game. Plus THEY STILL GAVE HIM THE CAR!!! If they cared so much about cutting back don't give him the car!