
I just rolled my eyes right out of my head

Goose Gossage: (has aneurysm)

Did Piazza end his speech with jamming a giant horse needle in his ass?

Man, when Pearce finds out about this, he’s gonna be


Even worse, the contract is denominated in British Pounds.

Go fuck yourself, too.

Everybody hates Trump, so it’s not really a slant. Just like they would report that water is wet, they’ll report that Trump is bankrupt and has tiny hands.

And he still won’t have finished the sixth volume of A Song of Ice and Fire.

As a European leftwinger Im exstremely conflicted about this, on one hand the democratic tendencies of the Turkish military is overestimated, on the other I firmly believe Erdogans authoritarian tendencies is underestimated.

You must be new around here.

Dipshits, c.2006: “(Black) athletes are role models. They need to start acting like it. smdh”

That was anti-climactic as FUUUUUUUUCK!

I’m just happy there’s finally a winning Euro team that looks like me

A team worse than the USMNT just won the Euros playing aggressively ugly soccer. If the US had played that style they’d be put on blast for how pathetic they were.

I’m sure Billy will chose the most reasonable amongst them all.

They were, and fuck Portugal in general. But they’re a fitting champion, as this was a shit tournament.

tens of millions of Americans, who elect people like Walsh all the time.

Quite frankly, the internet has been nothing but a blessing for hate groups and for bigots. Yes, overall the internet has had a democratizing effect and I do think it has led to people in general becoming more liberal. But it has also led to people being reinforced in their crazy ideas in a way that was literally

Look... all I know is I get a chill whenever an announcer proclaims “dos a cero!”