I’m going back to the sloth story
I’m going back to the sloth story
Makes sense, seeing as both take about 14 shots before they get a point
Whatever comes of this, whether it’s absolutely nothing or a federal perjury conviction, rock bottom for Jeter has to be the upcoming phone call from an eager A-Rod offering advice.
♫ HGH you work so gooooood ♫
Since you asked went to college with a guy from Boston who’s favorite team was wait for it. The Dallas Cowboys. This was during the Aikman-Emmitt-Irvin era. Lost contact over the years but ran into him on Facebook last year and we became FaceBook friends. After last year’s Super Bowl he was posting about “Our Fourth…
Aah, the Countach in its preferred environment - a field full of cocaine.. oh wait, that’s snow, nvrmnd..