Played like a kid, went out like a kid.
Played like a kid, went out like a kid.
I have the same problem. Two other people, in fact, think my email address is theirs. One of them is a foolish college student and is only mildly annoying, but the other is an exceptionally racist chiropractor in Raleigh whose wife also regularly attempts to use the address to sign up for bullshit and have receipts…
As a fellow southender, meh. They’re not hard or scary. They fold easier than origami paper.
I don’t want to totally ruin things for you, but she’s a native speaker of Italian. I’m not, so I couldn’t tell you if she’s hamming it up, but odds are her accent is more correct that any of the Jersey Shore-style bullshit.
As a native Seattleite, Husky fans might be more annoying than the human dingleberries that comprise the 12s. They’re right up there with the morons that end every sentence with Roll Tide.
Pretty sure OP is referring to the wireless charging standards, not bluetooth.
wherein they’ll claim to have an incredibly complex formula behind the rating. The talking heads will be able to somehow guess it instantly, thus confirming their genius. Except Darren Rovell, who’ll be prepping his tweets for the super bowl.
This is great, really, no joke, and there will never be enough professors like you (in this regard, at least). I hope you publicly shame every single professor who assigns the latest version of the book they authored/co-authored/edited and then never references it even once all quarter/semester. Those are the fucking…
How the fuck do you still have a job?
This is just the most pertinent anecdote I have to the comment I replied to. I have a ridiculous number of friends who have been raped or violently sexually assaulted (which, honestly, any number bigger than zero is enraging) who’s attackers have gotten away with it based on “inconclusive evidence” or flat out victim…
Did you even read what I wrote? Every single part of it after the rape is predicated on her reporting it.
I think for teachers to be offended they’d have to be supported by the government in the first place.
They absofuckinglutely should. This shit happens everywhere, all the time, and the assholes who make the choice to forever alter another human’s life against their will for fun holy shit how the fuck do you do that and live with yourself rarely get what they deserve. College athletes are even worse; they have people…
A friend of mine was raped via drugging. The rapists - yes, plural - took photos. They admitted it in recorded phone conversations monitored by police. They were not charged due to inconclusive evidence and the possibility it was consensual. There is no slam dunk in these sorts of cases.
yes it is.
The idea that companies without government oversight will eventually offer what consumers need is
incredibly naive, bordering onidiotic.
Lets try the solution is actually to first find out why the others haven’t been approved. Or, you know, we could definitely have it your way and go back to the days of bottles of rubbing alcohol being sold as cures for cancer. You know what, that last one sounds better, lets go with your idea of removing regulative…
I took a line drive to the middle of my upper arm while pitching. Doctor told me it was probably about an inch from hitting the point where apparently a sufficient enough impact, which he said it certainly had been, will just straight up sever the tendon. My entire arm bruised from shoulder to elbow and I was ruined…
I think this is very system-dependent. The CC system in my state is neither of those things, and, though things may have changed in the 13 years since I was in it, nobody is turned away.
I think we should take bets on who in the upper echelons of the Chargers owns this account.