
Eh, I’d be happy speaking one of the other major languages. Without the US population the number of native english speakers in the world is really, really low.

England: the only mediocre team whose losses seem to surprise people.

Hitting free kicks like that is still an art form that very few players have mastered, and something a player can make a career out of because of its rarity. It’s probably similar to the way baseball fans see robbing home runs (though it definitely happens more often than that) - just because its happening doesn’t

*preamble - this is legit question, not bait, asked curiously, not with desire for internet fighting*

Larry Stone might be good with words, but he’s not good at putting them together in a way that’s reasonable. He’s basically a poor man’s Skip Bayless.

what the hell are you on about? Goal line tech does exactly that. It buzzes the ref when the ball crosses, so it doesn’t even reach the point where he doesn’t stop play.

I’m not even slightly surprised it exists in Texas. I’d be surprised by it being a thing anywhere else, but not Texas.

Fucking other people over on minute technicalities and acting like that makes you a genius? Thats exactly what I’d expect from a Bruce Arena team.

This seems like a reasonable explanation until you hear old recordings of him speaking and realise he’s been doing these same things his entire public life.

I’ve seen players check the airways a few times, I think it’s a common training thing for then now. I vaguely remember hearing this became a point of emphasis for teams because someone was knocked out and ended up choking or suffocating to death on their tongue (Greek league maybe?).

That’s pretty much how he always is, and the Al Davis-receiver analogy is pretty spot on. To be fair to the guy, he’s got loads of various talents that would be great if he put them together, but seems to almost never use them concurrently. His two biggest flaws, his tactical ignorance and the superball-like

As payment for the next world cup, Trump will offer Loretta Lynch’s head to FIFA.

Oh, makes sense! In that case I retract my words against you, but not the burn on Casey. Fuck that noise.

Homie, you’re not Casey Chan. You don’t need to do that idiotic describe-everything-in-the-video bullshit.

Where operational HQ is doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where their legal standing as a corporate entity is.

Like I said, it was a couple years ago and I’m probably exaggerating the level of their (lack of) quality a little bit, but the story is scouts-honor true. They played it like it was basketball (which isn’t surprising given the sport’s popularity in China), right down to running pick and roll plays, and kicked to

I’m not even slightly surprised to see this. I lived in Tianjin TEDA a couple years ago, just a few blocks from their stadium. Ended up playing pick-up soccer with some of the players from the team once - they were awful, as in fraternity intramural team awful, and similarly full of themselves.

Cancer always spreads.