Remember when you guys bombed the US Senate? nEaTo!
Remember when you guys bombed the US Senate? nEaTo!
Bunk was McNulty’s Mr. Robot the entire time!
His work on The Pacific is my favorite of his outside of this.
This is my favorite comment on this thread
Yes it is.
Sickle reference, bro. Way to hammer your joke!
Autocorrect has a liberal bias.
What’s scarier? Rob Drake’s comments or the fact someone was actually following Rob Drake’s Twitter account?
Disparaging reference to “Capital Hill” - are we sure this guy's not a marxist?
Sorry, there’s no way you can justify rooting for the umpires after this.
You should see a doctor.
Here’s a thought: you catch your parent having an affair WITH your spouse.
What’s the value proposition for someone in a big city? The NFL - which is HUGELY popular in the US - has shown that just because a city (LA, San Diego) has a ton of people doesn’t make it profitable. If anything, NWSL should focus on podunk towns with nothing else going on. PDX is a soccer town, so of course their…
“We need to keep salaries down so our team can afford to sign Borf Beanes” sounds disarmingly intuitive if you don’t think about it for more than, like, 45 seconds.
The Bud Black - Steve Decker pitching Battery
Lenny “Nails” Dykstra (a true 5-tool Tool)
Eric Wedge
Ryan Mallett
Let’s remember some tools:
“Assaulting women is good actually” is both not a take I thought I’d see today and yet not surprising at the same time
I had the same childhood experience with Fox’s Alien Autopsy “documentary.”
What kills me is that at the time the special was released, I was living 10 miles from Burkittsville, had obviously never heard a word of this supposed local legend, and still bought it, because in my 14 year old mind I couldn’t fathom that the Sci Fi channel would lie to me about it. I remember after it ended wonderin…