
Remember when you guys bombed the US Senate? nEaTo!

I started college in the fall of 1967 during the worst part of the Vietnam war. Like every male there I had a student deferment, and hoped the war would be over by the time I graduated. Every guy went around thinking “If I flunk out I’ll be sent to Vietnam and killed”; tanking your history midterm could cost you your

Bunk was McNulty’s Mr. Robot the entire time!

His work on The Pacific is my favorite of his outside of this.

There are good cartographers on both sides.

This is my favorite comment on this thread

Yes it is.

Sickle reference, bro. Way to hammer your joke!

Autocorrect has a liberal bias.

What’s scarier? Rob Drake’s comments or the fact someone was actually following Rob Drake’s Twitter account?

Disparaging reference to “Capital Hill” - are we sure this guy's not a marxist?

Sorry, there’s no way you can justify rooting for the umpires after this.

You should see a doctor.

That is known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect, according to which the less competent a person is, the less able they are to evaluate their own level of competence, and the more likely they will wildly overestimate their competence. In short, they are too stupid to know how stupid they are, and it looks like you hooked a

“We need to keep salaries down so our team can afford to sign Borf Beanes” sounds disarmingly intuitive if you don’t think about it for more than, like, 45 seconds.

The Bud Black - Steve Decker pitching Battery
Lenny “Nails” Dykstra (a true 5-tool Tool)
Eric Wedge
Ryan Mallett

Let’s remember some tools:

There was a fun Flat Earth documentary on Netflix called “Behind the Curve.” You get the sense that a lot of the people are kinda just sad and lonely and fell in with a community that accepts them. In the course of the documentary the Flat Earthers even disprove flat earth twice and it gets met with a lot of “Uh,

Apparently it’s his turn with it.