
I would agree those people need therapy, I would disagree that everyone can be completely changed. If they Can’t society needs to find a way to funnel that someplace.

To further expand tho.... unfortunately some people do want to and probably have something wrong with them.

I don’t want to hit women at all, least of all when I’m having sex. I meant we all have dark urges, the most obvious expression being wanting to hit somebody (outside of the bedroom), not like your partner but like the guy who is playing to hard in your pickup bball game or an ass at work.

I understand that. And I agree too much porn can be a big problem.

Holy shit, blaming those teens behavior is a ducking huge stretch and frankly insulting to men. You do not think them capable of any self control, any distinction between reality and imagery? Like do all these same rapist teens watch scarface, then go grab an AK, move to miami and start slinging yayo.

The men still make more.... they work at a much higher and consistent rate. Not even looking at length (haha) if career (sorry not on purpose but couldn’t help it)

Look into how many more shoots the men work tho....... if that is net2income, men still prob on top

“Banned in Boston”..... the phrase that sold a million books.

You bring up all valid points, that need to be reconciled.

Please Don’t compare porn to dope..... It’s not even close to the same thing*

You just perfectly described the war on drugs v. Sensible public health policy

I think you may not be giving men enough credit........ I have found watching some of those porns that you are likely referring to, has given me a safespace to explore some desires that I would be horrified to act upon. While not impacting my relationship with my girl or how we get down. And I’ve been open and honest

It’s surprisingly common. As mentioned Odom (nose candy aside), and I recall seeing an inside stuff or something like that special about Gerald Wallace living off like gusshers.

+1 traveller

Yea like hazing should be carrying bags or like being forced to wrestle biggest dudes on team, maybe get a little roughed up....... this is just strait up sexual assault

I wholeheartedly agree with both your comments, I was just f’ing around

Do you live in Michigan?

As much as I used to clown on Juggalos, may have even scrapped with a few in my day. That part about the WWII vets damn near had me balling.

I’ll def read them when I get a min. As a student of public administration, I totally get the costs. And to be honest it’s paying the health insurance and pensions of the workers providing all those services, that’s really killing municiple govs.

I’d say who cares are the surrou ding property owners, who’s value is being impacted. Now I’m a child of the urban east coast that is likely impacting my judgement, if it is some Podunk town u may be right. But if property values are being negatively impacted, very much the municipalities concern.