I’m not familiar with the local tax structure, but guessing it is mostly derivative of property values..... tour making a huge assumption about what the future housing market will look like
I’m not familiar with the local tax structure, but guessing it is mostly derivative of property values..... tour making a huge assumption about what the future housing market will look like
Umm but it is not legal
But that does not mean the externalities affecting his neighbors can be dismissed out of hand...... externalities are as an important a consideration as any in public policy making, and the municipal g overment has a responsibility to protect others in the neighborhood
It was longer than 7
Yea dude probably spent some time or had some family here in Boston, named in honor of them and his just happened to be one of those stores that for whatever reason hit franchise gold.
Ah, I figured they would have some kind of “Boston Special” type of Pizzia and was just curious what that would be. Being a Bostonian all the pizza places here serve “New York” or “Chicago” or “Whatever part of Italy” pizza.
She was more likely offering to go in and boost whatever you planned to get at the store attached to that parking-lot, for like 1/2 price so she could go meet Slim for some dope or Jimmy-Bob for some meth (not sure what particular part of the country you reside in).
What is a Boston style pizza
Your 100% right with everything but: so the fans don’t turn on him. he wasn’t paying him, so he got something (an upgrade!!!) before he walked.
Why are you referring to IT as Dame
This is wrong, Kyrie is a much better player than IT & Crowder is being vastly over valued here. He is a hustle guy who shines in the regular season because he is going 110% when everyone else is going 80%, he was trash in the playoffs.
Yea these takes are horrible, just because some people think this was a good trade for the Cavs, doesn’t make it a bad one for the Celtics
How old was he at the time?
That name dude, awesome
That’s why they had already previously removed anyone with a name that sounded Irish Catholic
But it’s not like Robert or Lee is one of those names that has been removed from popular/acceptable use, like Adolph Hilter or some shit. you got to let this go, especially when the dude is Asian
Before realizing you need both these groups votes in wards 8 & 12, to solidify our hold on the city council. Then promptly declaring yourself a friend of both groups and declaring the WASPS the real enemy. Plus it’s our cousin officer Peter who handles most of the Italian and Black beating these days.
It is walking at the end of the year if he stays in Boston, Kyrie is that much better of a player. Thomas is great a getting buckets, but in volume with space. He lacks the ability to just go create his own shot when things break down, during isolation/crunch time. Kyrie can go get you a shot anytime.
The phone was state property
Why does this guy write for the undefeated?