
I prefer the Randy Johnson method

A pragmatic view, something sorely lacking on the left (and right).

The NFL is the highest rated show on the NFL network?? STOP THE PRESSES

You think they would ungrey you

Yup re:invest wisely elsewhere...... steady money is slow money but it is sure money.

10 months is a long time when your doing it though........ anything over like 30 days is the same, it’s like Avon said in The Wire... “You only do two days, they day you get in and the day you get out.”

This.... having done roughly the same amount of time in the clink, it feels like forever...... And that is nothing compared to all the bullshit/difficulty/feeling hopeless/etc. you are faced with upon release.

Then don’t buy youngstown state football tickets.... they have the right to come to a differnt conclusion than you.

Athletes are supposed to be role models??

What he meant to say is if: “random people online” have a monopoly on the legitimate use of force, along with the armed forces and police agencies needed to project/keep it.

There is also an environmental argument, due to the negative impact “mining” has. Seems like a whole lot of resources are going to waste, that could be used to provide people with material and tangible benefits.

Do you really not understand the difference between the US Government and that of Venezuela, c’mon now.

Both, mostly dump and leave the middle class (those with enough disposable income to invest but not enough to be big money players) holding the bag.

How it is regulated?

And here come 800 comments about your Cash being backed by nothing.

Additionally..... LAPD would probably have not even searched his ass if he didn’t break out and run like he was holding something.

Ya’ll need to find some crash dummy kids to drive that weight for you.

Your points are valid, but this does not mean we should not call people out for less than intelligent actions.

Bro, you don’t have to have that much weed on you for them to tack on the old “indent to distribute”..... Most of the time they know damn well that shit ain’t going to stick in court and are just throwing it on to scare you into copping a plea deal for possession.

The article seemed to imply that she had worked there for 12 years without a raise. Which would indicate she deserves something, like at least a cost of living adjustment.