
Do your job

Don’t Hate

Now, you realize that your 3rd sentence is you doing the exact thing you yourself are complaining about in that very sentence? Or is this one of those things that its ok because Irish Catholics are “privileged”?

How did she not have more options? She couldn’t have like, I dkn, got a job and supported herself, fuck marrying him or any of the other bad options?

Does whatever state this is in not require a sports physical like they do here in MA. I’m assuming any pediatrician or family practitioner who is anything but a complete quack would look at this kid and think hmmmm we should probably look into this

That you would end with that sentence would tend to make me feel your an asshole

That you would end with that sentence would tend to make me feel your an asshole

The thinking iz more because the foundation is shot

If he executes the office in Nixonian fashion we should be good. Revolutionary environmental action, ending long standing and unpopular foreign engagements, the moon?


The press, Congress and???? Oh yea there are 3 branches plus the state’s. Your point is well taken but underestimates the systes relziliancy

Exact same circumstances, you or I getting that light ass sentence? Thinks that’s people’s problem, especially cuz oy was hitting a chick, people dont like when u beat that charge

Correct sir

Homoerotic? Possibly

Needs to leave greys

It’s a Monty Phython parody



So tiresome.... wow famous baby boomers (who are now getting to be 60+) are starting to die...... who would have thought! I don’t know anyone who understands math and the human life span

All these articles about how tough it is out there (believe me I don’t disagree, I know first hand), then quoting the financial Times about how strong the economy is, to slam trump? That’s kind of having it both ways No? I don’t want this shit head either, but let’s fight fair regardless of if others will or not.