
So for the sake of argument.... May some of these saftey nets actually made the situation worse for those areas impacted? By providing just enough and some false hope with porly thought out economic development and infrastructure programs, people are able to stay in dying areas. Where if these drags on the economy

Yes because Chase Bank is certainly 100% white? Here is a thought ethics, morals and values start at home and in the community. Maybe instead of looking for boggie men to blame (real or imagined), people and communities should take a level of personal responsibility. And I’m well aware that systematic racism and

I would agree and I mostly said that with my tongue in my cheeck.... I just had to give you a shout because everything you said was so 100% in line with what I was saying during the run up that no one wanted to hear and since while everyone is looking every place but within for answers

And all this is exactly what I was screaming into the wind for months in blue MA, saying it was going to be close... only to be told I was an idiot the polls are scientific.... huh guess not, so much for the ground game

Your girl sounds like a birch bro, lose her of she is going to flip over some little shit when u doing her a favor

damnit and i just walked around my office telling people about it like i was crazy smart

Nope, not even close or an accurate description of ether situation..... but God forbid we let something pass without trying to take a swipe a trump..... fuck i didn’t want him either but c’mon now

Yea I used to read there makes and think it was funny, now I just think its sad

what else do people put in it? That stuff to make Shirley Temple? I mean maybe it is not an automatic jump, but a little reasoning and process of elimination will get yoy there prettyquickly

Is he rocking a C on his chest?? They need to do that or it is he just that guy?? I mean when I hit the blacktop for summer league we don’t bring a guy in a suite to tell us to get back on D

That’s may be true is some areas, but people who work mod- level jobs in major metro areas can’t afford to buy within an hour commut of their job

not the point

just as bad here in boston and any major metro area

shhh hush with your sound economic arguments about how a market works

affordable in places without economic growth

I assume he means more zoning and caps not saftey and OSHA

but they are all incredible.... can anyone edit it like a wiki, cuz if so those are def makes he gave himself

As a fellow graduate student I must ad: That may be one of the least creepy parts of campus/hallways..... the whole place (Sans two new buildings) is some sci- fi authors concrete dystopian fever dream

We’re past the point of arguing the various virtues

Def yay........ In college I had a Colorado Buffs Caruthe jersey printed, i was also a terrible person then but true story