
Brundle has a good reason for chatting with people on the grid. What was Megan doing there, just being famous? The “DON’T MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE TALENT” attitude from her clueless bodyguard seems like a good justification for banning entourages from the grid.

Doesn’t she have a V10 TDI Touareg?  Both Streeter and Benz could fit this headline!


I’d like to see the GM shop where these specialty engines are assembled.

“I got the poo on me!”

You’re confusing a pull tab and a bottle cap.

Have you seen the previous Civic interiors?  This is a massive upgrade.  

He first blew out his flip flop, which means he had to go barefoot. No flip-flop penetration necessary.

It’s a Toyota Crown.

If you aren’t run by an herb you don’t have to game both your advertisers and readers with clickbait.

I look forward to the erasure of the 2021 Listicle Slideshow from the entirety  of the former GMG properties.

The phenomenon is literally called Structural Coloration, the Lexus name of the color is straightforward. Peacock feathers have brown pigment, yet are visible as bright blues and greens.

Hey at least they only forgot the final H in Pittsburgh once...

I mean that you don’t remove the base, you muppet. You don’t have to fuck around with LATCH because the base stays in your car the whole time. 

route the seatbelt through the seat every time you use it”

How easy would it be to use the LATCH system every day to take a child seat in and out?”

Concealing the rear suspension.  Will they offer coil springs on the Taco?

But the incident that sparked this article wasn’t just any modern car, it was a Tesla.

to see if we have the funds to remove it”