Nostalgia? That’s how I played it originally, 100%-ing everyone.
Nostalgia? That’s how I played it originally, 100%-ing everyone.
I am so sorry for all of the genuinely good writers that are still aboard watching new ownership steer the ship right into the iceberg.
It’s just for bragging rights. Most of the Teslas I see on the road are not the highest performance model... Lucid will be the same.
Great article! I did a little Googling for the Stout after Jason’s photo post yesterday but didn’t find much.
I can’t wait to play Mario64. I hope they have improved the resolution a bit. It won’t be quite the same without the N64 controller though.
Isn’t this how progress works, though? Rules change and require wheel tethers. Wheels still fly away from the vehicle sometimes. Incidents of loose wheels are examined and improvements are brainstormed. The risk won’t be eliminated, but perhaps it can be reduced even just a bit more.
I thought it was going to be “turn the front wheels a little bit left or right.”
Where can I get that shirt?
That’s where I thought this article would go.
I’m glad I live in a state that enforces periodic vehicle inspections. JustRolledIntoTheShop actually happens.
Tear that great wall down!
No. That is not a common feature.
TIL about Forest Service Green, and it is awesome!
Do we have to flip through a slide show to see other pictures of it?
I have a Toyota Smart Key and I’m never going back to the old ways. I walk up to the car and touch the door handle, get in and press Start.