I believe that is the seat belt reel for the front shoulder belt.
I believe that is the seat belt reel for the front shoulder belt.
My first car was a used 1984 5 speed 4 door Mk1
Golf (Rabbit). It was 12 years old when I got it, but I still loved it.
His point is that a $35,000 mid-sized pickup without *any* of those features will turn away many buyers, except the Jeep zealots.
Longroof, manual, v6, $2500! NP no doubt.
I think you meant to say skilled and Vin’d
Some electric buses charge in a similar manner, but on the roof. It’s harder for pedestrians to touch the electrical parts this way too.
Is this the same one?
That bungee-corded trunk is attached to a Yotato!
Fuck civil asset forfeiture.
Not sure if you’re serious, their TVs were like their cars: at the top of their game, but only for a short time in the late 1990's.
It’s a CCCP thing, you wouldn’t understand.
And the stuff that goes on hot dogs is REE-lish, right?
Penn State is a college. There are certainly some evergreens around there. Wouldn’t want to be driving a dune buggy around Penn State right now, though.
My favorite part is the sixth truck joining the team from the on ramp, right on cue.
Ford needs to stay in their lane and focus on their strengths, like giving passenger car models the big sleep.
Those are the opposite of dilated.
<calls Autozone> One motor, please.