
I dunno, seems like a good number to me.

This made me Google helicopter aerodynamics, and now I have a much lesser understanding of how they remain aloft.

Horse proximity: code brown!

“You dishonored yourself and paid the consequences.”

Did not connect the grille to the taillights before I saw this.


Perhaps she’s a Jalop: she wants what she wants, logic and reason be damned! We make plenty of indefensible car purchases...

Damn that coulda been ugly. A few tenths of a second later...

“IROC And Roll”

There are four boxes and there’s a sequence:

What does your HOA think about all the Jeeps David?

“Hopefully the neighborhood and the HOA can work together on a more logical solution.”

On the back of truck, the same way it would go to a dealership.

That’s why you nip it in the bud, and never submit to a HOA. *I* own my home and I’ll do whatever I fucking please with it, neighbors be damned.

You’re defending the specifics of one action by a HOA.

But they knew the terms of the agreement could change at any moment in a way that is unfavorable, so why would you agree to that?

This is also an absurdity. Why would I ever let my neighbors influence how I operate my garage door?

These homeowners knew what freedoms they were relinquishing when they moved into a HOA-encumbered property; or at least they should have taken the time to understand them.

“Deuce” as in a ‘32 Ford.

This catalog is fantastic: