
AWD was an option on the Justy, but I think it was standard on the Loyale and Legacy.


Kinda looks like it’s saying “I’m Broken”. Fortunately this isn’t a Goddamn Electric, its a real carburated beast. It doesn’t look like any of the windows are Shattered. This could be restored, Becoming a vehicle with A New Level of awesomeness. I bet it will Walk away from the competition. What I wouldn’t give for

Purple: the top of the taillight seems to match a body line running down the side of the car, and the side windows are right above this same line.

I tried to highlight a couple things:

Common in the digital odometer era, but not in the analog times.

Nevermind, it’s another more precise fuel gauge for the last 1/4 tank.

What is the gauge behind the fuel gauge?

I’m a cat in the Prius but I’ve got no wounds

Purr? I think you’re lion. I didn’t see “as-is” in the disclosure claws when I bought this. It’s gonna take an ocelot of cash to get this lil pri-pri purring like a ki-ki.

Are you talking about the Snow Leopard? There’s a larger version linked in the article:

No joke, look at the unscaled image. You can read all the text on the car.

Very nice price, and the early vote tally reflects it. A Black Friday bargain!

When you say “rescued” you mean “euthanized and butchered” right?

Saw price and photo, scrolled down to vote NP.

Here’s my strange, orphaned 1985 Quantum. Circa 1997. Same Snowflake wheels.

“Personally, I’ve never really listened to Foo Fighters.”

Chrome door pull means its a V6, amirite?!

Accord drivers, amirite?!