
This note really makes me want to buy a TDI.


Yes, the insectoid stalks of the Dome Zero are bizarre.

This might be sacrilege, but the F40 with its lights up looks kinda ridiculous.

Cizeta V16T is pretty odd looking.

This is a much better comment than the vomit gif I would have posted if everyone else hadn’t beat me to it.

And making an example of people.

Cops love civil forfeiture.

Impossible, it’s just the first Aventador fire caught on tape. You know a couple of them had to go up in flames while Lamborghini was designing / prototyping them.

Does Mr. Brooks write the Gawker ‘Dog’ posts!?

Like an airboat... Brilliant!

Does that keep the clutch cool?

How is air being routed to these intercoolers? The angle they are placed at makes it look like the air should come in low from the front and exit high, maybe through that new grille on the back. But old turbos had air inlets on the rear fenders... I see nothing like that on the new images.

That’s our justice system. This is a civil suit, of which the only result can be a monetary award. Without commenting on the racism angle, the mom should sue the sperm bank to punish them for really bad record keeping. I hope she re-files as the judge suggested.

I hope it doesn’t take a long time to Load this car onto my Playstation, or I’m gonna rage out Like Some Kind of Monster and people are gonna call me St. Anger. I’ve only got patience for One minute, more than that and Wherever I May Roam I’m gonna be talking smack about Sony. Sad But True.

I had no idea that the pineapple is actually multiple berries coalesced together. Thanks Ballaban!

I thought you were supposed to hit the rev limiter!?

You’re not driving it right :)