
Hurrah! Another very cool thing I live too far away from and can’t afford to visit even in my old age.

For the love of all that is Spidey, no. We do not need Spider-team movies. We need good Spidey movies. Can we at least have those first? If anything, Spidey should be the one character that bridges the MCU and Netflix universes.

I don’t usually comment, but this kind of commentary drives me entirely up the wall.

Surely the issue at the heart of this is do Disney want to make - and do the fans want to watch - Star Wars movies, or do they want to make/watch ‘X Director’s Star Wars’?

This is a great breakdown of a growing problem within the Disney Star Wars universe.

You mean based on the 2 movies that weren’t alike at all?

After listening to 18 months of “Rogue One is going to suck because Gareth Edwards wants to make a gritty war movie and there is no way Disney lets him kill everyone off”, and then actually seeing Rogue One, I’m assigning this article “the hottest take” status.

How about these reasons:

“it’s cool to hate America these days”

Pele’ is the most famous Brazilian

It looks more like a Dr Who episode set in Victorian England

Yeah I am not a fan of the black and white “evening attire” everyone’s wearing in that pic. It feels only one step away from what people would wear at a real-world gala and not very Star Warsy. I’ll see how they look in the final film but right now they’re bringing me out of it.

Wait... isn’t Gary Saxon dead????

Will there be a panel on the nutritional values of blue milk? Or will this topic be discussed in one of the aforementioned panels?

You say “the children’s cartoon” in a manner that seems derisive. Rebels is a wonderful show and a fantastic piece of Star Wars lore!

This has sort-of now become an obsession.

So is Batman but you don’t hear about folks wanting an Asian to play him since he is soooooo good at the Martial Arts.

Oh come on. They have a click bait quota to meet.


Danny. Rand. Is. White. That is a very important part of his background. Your article is rubbish in that you simply think a guy who is a Martial Artist should be Asian. There have been many Iron Fist’s but what makes Danny unique is that he is the first “White guy” to ever defeat Shou-Lao the Undying and become Iron