
Try listening instead of mansplaining. Everyone knows why you have a problem with it. Everyone has heard the same arguments about a movie that came out almost two years ago ad nauseam.

As a piss poor civil servant from Yorkshire, I feel your pain. We were gonna go in five years for my fiftieth which would give us plenty of time to save up - but I found out a few weeks ago I’ll have lost my eye sight by then, so I’ll never get to see it.

It would be more accurate to say the Phantasm was based on 1987's The Reaper.

The Reaper came first and was in Batman: Year Two... which was not good, but was the only Batman story I had as a kid.

This is all that needs to be said

“Fuck our paying customers.”

“F*CK BATMAN... and DC’s new streaming service.

Nope. Sorry. I already have too many streaming services I barely use to sign up for the Grimdark Channel.

It’s that grim’n’gritty approach to worldbuilding that’s worked out so well for DC’s cinematic properties.

People are going to say, “But you hated Lorca, you hated how bad a captain he was. You said he was everything the Federation wasn’t!”

Okay io9. I’m done. Katharine seems like an okay person, but she’s just got too much hate for this show. So much that this is the last article on it I’m reading.
Plus, it’s blinded her so much that she doesn’t even understand what’s going on with Ash/Voq. Voq lost. She thought she was bringing him back, but it looks

“Kath Trendacosta’s Latest Unfounded Gripe Made a Great Case for Rage-Quitting io9"

(But we won’t.)

Tell ya what, Trendacosta: If you hate the show so much, just stop watching it. Whether you do or not, I’m not reading another “review” from you, on anything. In fact, I might stop reading anything you write at all.

I don’t know. Literally everything you’ve blasted in the article is what I love about the show (except the grossness with mirror Lorca and mirror Burnham). It’s been incredibly entertaining for me.

Katharine, can you please just not? Look at the headline for every one of your Discovery reviews and tell me it’s not a little exhausting. The overwhelming negativity is so antithetical to what you claim to want from this show.

Star Trek has helped me out with some sad, dark times in my life. It’s very special to me.

>Saru wanted to help Tyler, but by doing so has seemingly erased all trace of him—instead, it’s pure Voq in Tyler’s body now.

It’s like you weren’t even paying attention to get this so backward. She clearly erased Voq, hence the death scream. If you’re going to criticize the show fine (it has plenty of problems) but

Editors of io9, why do you continue to assign Star Trek: Discovery reviews to someone who clearly despises the show, has since the beginning, and is unable to be even remotely objective about it?