
Frozen in carbonite would work (it’s certainly happened before). They could be in another part of the galaxy, or between galaxies, or imprisoned, or fighting in a different part of a very large galaxy, or just retired from adventuring. My guess is they’ll kill off Ashoka and Kanaan, and let Ezra (who’s not even kind of

This is the kind of Star Wars articel I can get behind.

I am loving every panel with Dr. Aphra in it, and will be sad when Vader inevitably disposes of her.

I wouldn’t mind a Jedi-less Star Wars movie from time to time.

I don’t understand why Star Wars doesn’t just own December for the next 5 years. Friends and family can make that a staple part of their holiday and plan their year around it, much like we did during the 3 years of Lord of the Rings.

I feel bad for Gustin Grant, he should be the Flash in the JL movie. I know they’re going with another actor and even why its being done, but this kid has really brought the character to life. The show would not work without him.

I saw it a third time and was just as excited about it as the first two. One of the few instances where I’m glad there’s not a decent bootleg of the movie online, because the theater experience is top-notch and so worth multiple viewings.

Do it! It’s good. Not from the start, but it’s the best thing that came out of the prequels.

The Force is fucking strong with narrative momentum apparently.

I genuinely hope that they just go for it with “legend” episodes and make up for what was a pretty meandering first half of the season.

I think you’re right went back and looked closely, you can see the tattoos. Good catch.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! <3 It looks amazing! And a tease of our Ahsoka vs Vader fight! Hopefully thats not just a vision.

I really hope Snoke is a new character. I find the idea that in this huge galaxy, everyone we see has to have some connection to someone we’ve already met a bit silly. Let’s get some non Skywalker/Solo/Palpatine?Empire/Rebellion characters into the story and expand the universe.

I like the Snoke is Snoke theory, and the bigger mystery is “why is Snoke who he is”?

Huge Star Wars fan here, with a Rebel Alliance tattoo here, and I am so excited about this one.

It just seems easier to build a real one at this point. Plus Abrams, brought BB-8 on stage at Comicon or Star Wars-fest-whatever-event. He put everyone on notice that his vision was going to be as physically real as possible. They even used real lightsabers. Look at that picture, it’s real dammit.

I though everyone knew it was a real, remote operated, robot. There were a lot of articles about how it works few months back.

Rather have it late and good than early and suck.

Here is why Disney went with making everything Legend, instead of picking-and-choosing what stays canon and what doesn’t: It would have been a confusing mess.

No, you’re a lesser person because instead of acting like an adult and ignoring the hype, you are whining and attention-whoring.