
This is really neat. We found a site that made teddy bears with G-Tubes and a select number of other issues several years ago when my son still had his G-Tube, but nothing quite as elaborate as this. It’s cool to see stuff like this more available.

Ok. I’m going to try emphasizing this one more time for the “you have no sympathy” crowd. It seems especially needed now that I’ve been accused of racism (PS- Go fuck yourself emotionalsupportcat).

I tried to be sensitive at first glance, but it appears that a lot of significant details are missing from this article that can be found in other sources. I tried to extend the parents the benefit of the doubt because the root cause seemed more reasonable than “my child will be saved by prayer!” which we’ve seen in

Fuck off.

This is absolutely appalling and sounds like neglect from brainwashed and abusive parents.

Many children’s hospitals will treat uninsured children for all sorts of ailments for free, even/especially cancer. That information doesn’t always get shared. Please pass it on.

Seriously. Mom’s story was that they were too poor to seek medical care, but Dad said that they didn’t need medical care because his son - who lost so much weight so quickly that he developed stretch marks - was “fine”.

I don’t think this is neglect, I think it’s abuse. And it reads like his school failed to help him, at the Santa Fe New Mexican link:

That’s quite a lot of context that was left out from the original Jezebel article.

You really don’t need to start making excuses for clear neglect to make the point that healthcare is in need of reform.”

I’m wondering if the fact that the teacher was only seeing the kid over video from the shoulders up may have helped mask things for a lot longer than if they had been seeing him in person at school every day. Even if he was getting tired and sluggish, they again are seeing them sitting at a table for a few hours,

I read the first lines of your comment and was like “all right, here comes Justice McJudgey”, but I have to admit you completely turned me around with your additional info - so thank you for doing it. Wish you hadn’t needed to. *glances at author*

Me wondering if this was the case is why I was sort of chuckling at some of the more precious responses to my original post.

They were paying for a chiropractor out of pocket. This isn’t about the medical costs. This is about medical neglect of a sick child. These are science-denying, COVID-truther, misinformation-spreading people who killed their child with their own negligence. They thought his cancer was depression. They thought he was

To any health care professional or teacher who saw what was going on and did nothing: they should lose their licenses at a bare minimum, if not face jail time.

Oh for fucks sake take him to the fucking hospital, debt be damned. I mean Jesus Christ, debt is not a reason to let a child die, and those herbs, fucking hell why even bother.

I lived in Santa Fe for 5 years, and now live in Albuquerque. This is just tragic, and unfortunately, entirely predictable in a state with the kind of challenges we have. People think of Santa Fe as a town for the rich, because it’s the capitol, and if you’re just visiting, all you’re likely to see is a bunch of cute

This is literally in the ABQ Journal linked. They had access to the internet. Dad loved to post anti-mask and COVID-denying articles on Facebook. If you can access Facebook, you can Google. If dad had spent some time researching financial assistance for cancer patients instead of reading and sharing anti-mask articles

Though the lack of universal healthcare in this country is a travesty, this boy’s tragic death isn’t entirely due to it. From the Albuquerque Journal:

That and, even if the parents didn’t, wouldn’t the child have qualified for coverage under CHIP? I know that rules for CHIP programs vary from state-to-state, but I think every state has one. (Not an expert here...does anyone care to weigh in?)