it’s foolish that the Speaker of the House is failing to do something as simple as learning the covid-19 restrictions in the area
where she’s travelingshe represents.
it’s foolish that the Speaker of the House is failing to do something as simple as learning the covid-19 restrictions in the area
where she’s travelingshe represents.
It’s like those obnoxious facebook posts... “Most of you won’t read this” and then it’s just an annoying blurb designed to generate likes and shares.
I appreciate the perspective of this article and also clicked on it because it said I wouldn’t read it. I don’t read every article, even though I deeply care about access to safe and affordable abortions, because it feels so repetitive. Same shit different day. I’ve had some idea of how the click economy works, and…
If the anti-abortion people were actually about reducing abortions, they would be all for sex ed and access to contraceptives. The fact that they hate those things even more than abortion shows what it’s actually about:
Does it surprise anyone that the very same people who complain that women are having kids and going on relief also just as vehemently opposed to abortion.
I feel like I should speak up for a (probably small) demographic. I care deeply about abortion rights, and have since I was about 10. BUT I don’t always click on each story for the simple reason that 1. I know it will piss me off and I have a 4yo in lockdown and can’t afford to lose any more patience than I already do…
Gotta say, putting “and no one will read it” was a good way of getting me to read it. And I’m glad I did, especially because of the reference to the Turnaway study, I hadn’t known about that.
Mariners fan here, got my shot 18 years ago.
Orioles fans can’t get them in June.
Plus Marla's spousal support only continues if Tiffany is in school. I assumed Tiffany would be in a MD/PhD/MBA/MA program.
And frankly, I doubt she knows that much. Every single time she’s seen her dad, written down, would be a learn to read “chapter” book that’s eighty pages long.
“Dollar store Ivanka”
She and her mother are living our the terms of their contract very well. Marla was never one of the Kool-Aide drinkers. She was in it for fun and money and made that pretty clear. She kept Tiffany out of the shit-show Ivana curated her kids to be part of. Tiffany performs once in a while, she gets her check, she gets…
I know so many people were rooting for a Tiffany tell-all, but she clearly doesn’t want to risk being cut off from her dad’s money and support. Which is sad, because he doesn’t seem to care all that much about her.
Or Gretchen Weiners!
For a split second I wondered why this asshole’s abandoned/neglected daughter would stan for him, but then I I have a strong feeling that Trump’s supporters just helped pay Tiffany a $250K speaking fee.
Not gonna lie, I kinda liked her outfit. It was a nice departure from the skin tight red dresses some of the women--including the screaming crazy bitch who’s dating trump’s son--were wearing the first night.
ooh, Nancy Drew, but make it a period piece!! I’M IN.
How does this help someone who doesn’t believe in god?
Inverted poses help a lot with lowering blood pressure. (not the chronic kind that needs meds, the temporary kind of higher blood pressure.) Easiest way to do this? Lay on the floor with your feet up against the wall. Once the pets stop trying to lick your face it’s pretty calming.