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*you have to watch this video for 2 1/2 minutes to see what happened...

Tony Romo was also hurt during the play.

The only hit worthy of a penalty (the last one) was indeed penalized. The player hit showed no signs of being concussed, so there was no need to trigger the protocol. What we saw today was a good, hard hitting football game that was officiated correctly. You cannot legislate all the head hits out of the game. Sorry,


Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

...and it officially becomes this year’s Ice Bucket Challenge.

It was a fucking joke. Jesus Christ. Do people like you really exist?

He fell down catching the ball so was clearly down. Obviously you know nothing. But thanks for your great comment.

It’s still running and as of the last few days it’s seen positive up ticks in seats sold as well as negative. So there’s probably another few million in the box office before it’s out of cinemas for good.

You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Maybe work on your personality. I’m rooting for you.

Yes, double the budget INCLUDING marketing costs which were at least 100m (total 250m). Breakeven, 500 million. Studios get about 55% of domestic box office, 40% of foreign.

“It pretty much broke even once marketing was taken into account.”

Actual adversity like paying money to see Ghostbusters: The Film That Flopped?

Of course it couldn’t be that the movie was shitty, and shitty movies don’t garner good word of mouth? It has be the racists, the sexists, and for those whose “past was destroyed.”

Was it a “participation” pin?

I’m sure seeing it four times really helped the bottom line enough to make Sony’s decision to cancel the sequel that much easier a decision to make. That’s really showing the cellar dwelling misogyny bros what’s what.

If you saw the film in theaters

“Looks OK to me.”