
Beaubien and New street just outside the Renn Center. Both had Z28 badging. I don't think there's any filming going on for a new Transformers movie around here. Maybe a Need for Speed sequel?

They were out on the street filming before that. Have some more pictures.

Anyone else see Strong Bad in the seats?

Rally America is the sanctioning body for Sno Drift. I have 300 acres that I'd be willing to lend for testing.

100 year warranty. I've bought some of their other stuff and the price is completely worth it.

No snark was intended. I was under the impression that you didn't know what it was and didn't read it as your serious response to me. Totally my fault for defaulting to thinking burner accounts aren't being serious/knowing what they're talking about. A thousand points to you.

It's a book.

It wasn't a serious question. It was an Accelerando reference.

It wasn't a serious question. It was an Accelerando reference.

It wasn't a serious question. It was an Accelerando reference.

Why don't they start with something smaller like a lobster brain?

Balls! Giant inflatable balls for sale! Wait... what's that on the horizon?

Arrested for jaywalking in Detroit? lol

This Jalop would certainly be interested.

Where does one acquire said scale model?

That must mean that Karma is British Leyland. It all makes sense now!

So let's have some uproar about bus safety and not let these nine deaths be in vain.

As opposed to the people that use the deaths of children to make a different point?

A good point, but humans are stupid, stubborn creatures. They generally ignore sound advice and make illogical decisions.

The answer for 1 &2: Because Jagvar.