So why the fuck was Facebook showing off VR tech at CPAC in the first place? What’s the goal there? Ignoring the specific demo and it being tasteless to use right now, what’s the goal of Facebook taking a tech demo to any political conference? Putting it in front of people, certainly, but who do they expect to attract…
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
The Globo-Corpo-Homo-Judeo establishment. Honestly that sounds fantastic. I want in. I’m going to start using that for positive things.
Wtf is up with the necks in Welcome to the Ballroom? It looks fun, but... I can’t get past those necks.
“The only real problem with them is that they eventually die.”
Obviously that wasn’t the real tracer, the one in the video was moving vertically.
Oh boy, more porn!
If Doomfist is announced it’s going to make the Numbani payload a bit problematic...
Is that you, Progressive Liberal?
I am absolutely mystified that people attend something like this. Like, I realize that this takes place in bumfuck wherever, but still. Don’t they have something else more productive to do with their time, like sniff glue?
If your gonna try and be a black woman at least get butt implants to with your boob implants..
inb4 alt right gets triggered