Ugh, I’m gonna miss your writing Ellie. Looking forward to reading your new work, wherever that may be.
Ugh, I’m gonna miss your writing Ellie. Looking forward to reading your new work, wherever that may be.
+1 Shoe
We don’t deserve such good doggos
Four square or gtfo (I miss kickball too)
welcome back drew, we miss ya
I agree with your point completely. I just want to point out that the NRA’s power doesn’t completely come from their direct campaign contributions. It’s their “grades”. They send out these bullshit score cards grading congressmen on their gun votes. To a LOT of people, this is what they vote based on. That’s the…
I’m seeing a lot of “of course retail jobs suck, what do you expect?” takes and it infuriates me. Just because something is widely known to be fucked up, doesn’t mean it SHOULD be fucked up.
Dubs fan there, I know we still have to get through the brow and the beard, but god damn, ‘18 playoff Bron is terrifying
Assuming anyone in trump’s cabinet would need a bookshelf is very generous of you
Multiple strangers have approached me to say I look like Jesse from Breakimg Bad. They never say “Aaron Paul”, always “Jesse from Breakimg Bad”. One guy basically stalked me throughout Trader Joe’s trying and obviously failing to confirm himself suspicion.
And more often than not, it’s all three
OK, so if today isn’t a good day to talk about gun control, when is? I’m serisously asking.
Holy shit, I really cannot remember seeing or reading or hearing a more well-developed, clear, approachable explanation of these protests and the nonsense hot takes than this right here.
At least they stand during their anthem (so much /s)
Two things:
At this point, I’m really disappointed not a single big name, white player has stepped up. Bron, Kobe, Sherman are all 100% right but they are instantly disqualified from voicing an opinion by the average Trump voter. Pretty sure I don’t need to say why that is the case.
If this means I never have to read another “stick to sports” hot take whenever an athlete/coach/Jamele Hill voices an opinion about the world, I’m okay with it.
Still one of the most metal tweets of all time
Please do.
I think I’ve figured out how to predict what trump will do in any given situation. Pick any topic and his decision will be the literal opposite of what a decent human being would do if president. It’s a depressingly simple and accurate system.