Anything that gets less then 20mpg, there are enough solid ways to improve efficiency that there is no excuse for things getting anything less.
Anything that gets less then 20mpg, there are enough solid ways to improve efficiency that there is no excuse for things getting anything less.
The subsequent rise in gasoline prices due to this refining capacity going offline will definitely be Biden’s fault.
Easy. There are a few ways:
“Choosing the right turd” is the first thing my brain read. Do I need help?
The delicious irony is that capitalism is working exactly the way it should here. Corporations are supposed to bow to market demand, right? Well the market is demands that banks don’t fund oil drilling, that’s what banks are going to end up doing. The comparison to redlining doesn’t work because racial discrimination…
Projection and hypocrisy are core GQP values.
That assumes these arguments are being made in good faith, but they are not. Republicans want business to be bailed out with tax dollars, given massive tax breaks, donate massively and anonymously to campaigns, and discriminate against LGBTQ while also dictating where they invest there money once it’s not going to…
Another reminder that the Republican party is full of the “snowflakes” they often like to accuse others of and completely lack principles. Capitalism is good unless you do something I don’t like with capitalism and then I’ll pitch a fit.
When your entire culture is outrage and contrarian, there is no bottom, and the window can move any direction at any time. That’s one reason it’s so successful. They just move to the next thing, even if it’s the exact opposite of the last thing, just so long as the thing is against the DEMOCRAT and still makes someone…
Imma stop you RIGHT there... no... just no.
My coworker listens to Hannity all day long and I love how Hannity complains that Biden is doing nothing for the common man buying gas and then when Biden wants to grab from the oil reserve to lower prices he complains about that as well. The GOP never ceases to amaze me with their bullshit.
And you hope that staring at it doesn’t make your eye Sting.
This is an excellent list! I might add for international overnight flights the passenger who refuses to close the window shade despite exasperated reminders from the flight attendants, because then everyone might be able to sleep and leave them feeling lonely, and you want to burn your retinas watching that glorious su…
Let’s not forget that GM not only had to be bailed out by the government, but also had to kill off Pontiac in the process. Not really sure if he put any effort into the visuals here. Typical Boomer.
Nothin’ better than some crusty old prick fetishizing four thousand pounds of 6mpg unreliability that merely manages to be loud and look cool-ish.
You list how much sympathy you have on your resume?
“...he’s already receiving death threats for the changes.”
Special Note: The Republican Women could care less about Sinema’s clothing, and the commentary about it. They’ve likely privately said a few things about it themselves.
So, what happens if an avowed black nationalist decides to bring a bunch of guns to a trump rally because they “were concerned about property and safety”? What happens then?
I wish a lifetime of hardship and sorrow on him and his mother, who dropped him off with his AR-15 like he was going to soccer practice.