Gandhi better get his shit together this time. The wolf in sheep’s clothing gimmick won’t work on me anymore. Dick.
Gandhi better get his shit together this time. The wolf in sheep’s clothing gimmick won’t work on me anymore. Dick.
It would be a nice goodwill gesture to apply the money people paid for Civilization: B.E. towards the purchase price of Civ VI.
How the hell do you actually watch them use it.
You want playable female soldiers in a game set in the 1910s?
Please take a high school physics class.
You guys need to seriously stop it with that shit. Bothans stole the plans for the second Deathstar.
You don’t see me driving on the sidewalk because there is less traffic. Get outta the fuckin’ road.
Did she post this course on MapMyRun?
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Fuck street runners. “Oh the road is softer on my feet!” No, I hate you.
Yeah someone please explain to me how this is not the most absurd waste of time? “I hold the record in 1 particular oldschool game for 1 particular arbitrarily defined activity and spent 1000s of hours of my life perfecting this most niche of all possible ways to spend my time that no one will ever care about.”
Fuck off liberal faggots. You played the race card every hand in a row for 317 sessions, and now it’s starting to get stale and you can’t figure out why you can’t just dog whistle “He’s a racist!” and have it work on the silent majority of working class Americans any longer.
You only call it "terrible” because he’s a Republican...if this had been a liberal I guarantee you’d be calling it “wonderful”
Those who can’t do, host.
“The exercise will last five weeks.”
It is a rare day when I read an article about a rap artist and think “This man and I, we could be friends.”
The very first booster pack of pokemon cards I ever received had a holo Charizard in it.
May i ask why you dont want to use an adblock?
Encouraging road rage is safer than a lane change?