
Was hoping for something a little bit more than a video that basically said “there will be games.”

Wrong is something that anyone with any sort of compassion doesn’t like. It was scummy. Obviously the consequences are harsh, but this is the “sue the pants off of anyone who slightly inconvenienced me” country we’ve created.

“All the sites have done great reporting.”

We’ll agree to disagree.

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. I feel bad for you guys that are just here to make a living and report about video games. But holy shit did Gawker deserve this.

I only want facts from my news. So agreeing with the news should not be a concern.

The report is public record. The sensationalist news in not a source. The video shows the kid walking up to a police vehicle holding something. He wasn’t “sitting on a swing.” lmao

They said he pointed a gun at them, yes. But I’m sure everyone understands that the kid didn’t know any better.

The Last Guardian is going to be a huge disappointment to you guys, I hate to say. No game that has taken this long to make has ever been remotely good.


Oh yeah you were there. Sorry I forgot. Silly me going by the police report.

Ah. An emotional response. Excellent.


No one blamed the kid for being shot. The parents failed as parents, resulting in their kid running around the neighborhood pointing fake guns at police. Idiots would blame the kid for not knowing any better, but idiots would also blame the police for not knowing whether the gun being pointed at them was a toy or if

This article kind of goes against your whole “men are naturally programmed to rape” argument that usually shows up on Gawker. It’s nice to see that you’re acknowledging that this kid is fucked up in the head and has nothing to blame but himself.

He’s not getting a couple of months in jail. Just because his lawyer is asking for it (his job) doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

It really should have been their mentality from the start. You don’t see many other companies giving warnings for cheating. You would think a publisher like Ubisoft would have their shit together instead of being brought to their knees by simple game cheat scripts.

Pretty low energy update. Have they added more heists since the game launched, or was that a joke?

“but there are solid recommendations for chicken places in Lexington.”

You guys aren’t gonna want to hear this, but the developers are Muslim. I love when SJWs have to choose between supporting gay people and supporting the religion of peace.

fucking lmao