
This isn’t an argument.

She’s probably fucked up in the head from that experience. It was probably consensual.

They can and they do. What you’re looking for is fantasy land.

“She did not sleep with 25 boys in the bathroom. There was only a handful that she did sleep with.”

Let’s be real. Nobody was sleeping ;)

Ash was a likeable character. Not everyone is obsessed with winning all the time.

Well you have also remember the piece of shit platform they continue to exclusively develop for. They are only capable of what the rest of the gaming industry did 15 years ago.

“That being said, there just isn’t a demand for anime tie-in titles like there was in the original Pokémon’s heyday.”

Wrong. Fans have been very vocal about what they want. They are just ignored. Call of Duty sports game titles get a lot of shit for releasing the same thing every year but for some reason, when Pokemon

Uncharted because most of the game is pretty much a movie anyway.

Why so much? Was this person really missing out on 3.1 million dollars by not working at Valve?

Am I the only one that thinks Overwatch looks gay as shit?

I don’t think any other show has done a bit about this glitch and this game before. So, it’s pretty original.

Because not everyone has the “how can I make money off of this” mentality that people like yourself have.

If a convention offers to fly you down, pay for your hotel room so you’ll come to their convention then that’s great. But for someone to message the convention, saying “Hey I have this many likes on Facebook, fly me down and pay for my room so I can bless you with my presence”? nah son

Laugh all you want. Trump is going to make Anime real.

Good argument.

I’m sorry, I know this is jezebel but the girl holding the camera in that video sounds stupid as shit.

I said this in another comment thread: There’s a common factor between this situation and the violence at the Trump rallies, and it isn’t the Trump supporters.

There’s a common factor in the Trump rallies and this situation. And that’s the Bernie supporters. Hopefully people are starting to see the pattern here.

Have to say, as a Trump supporter, I’m enjoying this. The world is now seeing what the Bernie people are really like (because according to the media, the violence at Trump rallies is always 100% Trump supporters and never those poor innocent Bernie people) and the cries of sexism and racism are being thrown back and

I don’t know if there’s a name for it, but I have this picture handy all the time as a Trump supporter who often has political discussions with emotional children.