
The Bernie people all think that a campaign is won by phone banking. Just take a trip to /r/sandersforpresident. You see people there urging, almost begging people to make their 20 phone calls a day. You see people there talking about how they’ve been giving x percent of their paycheck every week to the Sanders

They’ve been doing this at Trump rallies since he announced his candidacy. I guess it needed to happen to democrats for the media to show them in a negative light. I feel bad for Bernie that most of his supporters are emotional teenagers that no nothing about the real world and can’t handle any type of disappointment.

Good for these guys. No, we’re not going to fly you out and give you a hotel because you’re good at playing dressup.

Doesn’t look like Nova. Just because you look like a blonde slut, doesn’t mean you look like Nova. The face is different.

Last one was underwhelming. Hope this one is better.

Well you’d be wrong. They never said that.

That was debunked. They never said it. Twas just a rumor.

Well you seem to have the qualifications to critique the success of a billionaire. So I assume you can do/have done better, no? The alternative is that you’re a completely average person with a completely average job with a completely average wage that can only feel good about himself by putting more successful people

“You HAVE to be LUCKY to be rich.” Not an article I care to finish. I’m already mad at myself that I gave this writer an extra .5 cents by clicking on it.

Ah yes. I love these articles. Everyone is a better businessman than Donald Trump, and everyone could do what he did. You’re all just blogging for next to no money because money is overrated, right?

You think you could do better?

Right? hahah. This website cracks me up.

I’m thinking the reaction this will be them look out their window and going “Well that’s strange,” and getting back to work. Seriously, what is the end game here?

Hahahahaha pathetic. You libs crack me up.

Yeah. More like unit buffing.


god that’s gay as shit

Sorry you were wrong.

Cool you found 1! Everyone knows that WWI was known as “War of the Women” back then!

Not in a WWI game, no. Sorry.