so progressive
so progressive
A lot of wrong things here. Vietnam and 2 weren’t expansions. Also you don’t put an apostrophe in its when trying to show possession.
The controversy would be from SJWs complaining about letting you play as a “racist southerner” if the campaigned allowed you to play as a confederate.
Honestly the after picture looks like PS2 graphics.
As a Battlefield player, I agree with you. Our community can suck too. I love the people that say that CoD is an arcade game and Battlefield is a “war simulation” lol.
Not quite. The hoverboard we’re waiting for is a skateboard with two magnets underneath that repels anything beneath it for some reason. All these multi thousand dollar mini helicopters that you stand on are not the hoverboard we’ve all been waiting for.
I’m confused. It didn’t seem like he was being toxic towards other players. It just looked like he would play while being roasted by the TTS thing. What justified a ban here?
Looks like we aren’t missing much.
HE’S A RAC-oh wait...
Conan has that weird thing in the back of his head too.
Listening to this autist talk about his 60 fps the whole time is really annoying. But it’s cool to see him beat it so quickly.
Nice try, Miles.
Everyone in the world disagrees with you. I knew you were gonna mention the rape... didn’t think it’d be the first sentence, though.
Too bad this guy can’t make functioning games.
We really shouldn’t be wasting time and resources rescuing these people. “What do I do?”
“...nothing, Sir. Just... nothing. Godspeed.”
Though I do feel bad for this guy. His age seemed to get the best of them. Maybe when they call for help, ask how old they are on the phone, and if they’re above 70 go help them.
Rey looks like she took a baseball bat to the face.
10k is my best :/
Why do all Japanese movies have terrible special effects? Aren’t Asians supposed to be good with computers?
She’s not pretty.