Episode 9 is gonna be a side story? Let me write that down in my journal.
Episode 9 is gonna be a side story? Let me write that down in my journal.
Real talk, she’s probably going to be revealed to be Rey’s mother in the episode 9.
Why did you have a GPS? lol
Stop generalizing people in an effort to make people stop generalizing people. It’s a weak argument. You don’t know the cop. You have no idea whether or not he would have done that.
Lol let me know how that works out for you. Resist in the court yard, not in the street. You will never ever ever ever win in the street.
Are you that uncoordinated?
I’m glad this happened. There are people who will run in the middle of the lane (not on the shoulder) and have no problem with the cars piling up behind them. Meanwhile there’s a sidewalk. And then ignoring the cop when he told her to move over. What did she think, that he was just gonna drive away? Hope it was worth…
You would watch so you don’t look like an idiot by about on a video you didn’t watch. It doesn’t compare him to the illusive man. Patricia does with that picture. It’s not from the video.
I don’t think that would be a lawsuit that would stick in a million years. lol
I just don’t see them doing something like this. I don’t see any campaign doing something like this. These guy are all completely out of touch with the gaming community. I’m pretty sure this was made by one of us.
Again, someone who didn’t watch the video. Patricia chose the picture. It’s not in the video. The video is comparing him to Shepard.
Watch the video. You look like an idiot. It’s comparing him to Shepard.
My God, if this was a Bernie Sanders Mass Effect video, she would be losing her shit right now.
Do you have a brain? This wasn’t made by Trump or anyone affiliated with him. He retweeted it.
Right, and Trump’s campaign didn’t make this. It was made by a random guy and Trump retweeted it.
Hm nah. The Mass Effect trailer was about Shepard, so the trailer would be comparing Trump to Shepard. But I’m guessing you didn’t watch it, and are going by the picture that Patricia posted.
You don’t need permission to retweet something. His campaign didn’t make it, some random guy did.
Fucking Christ, I love this man.
Holy shit I want to install this game and join Goonswarm lol. I love it! Great article!
Maybe he’s saying the guy drank a lot of mountain dew.