
Huh. And I had heard such good things about mashed onion.

Not every hero wears a cape.

feature not a bug

Or just maybe people are bored of this kind of sale boring and unfunny comedy. But yeah if people have no arguments they go with some extreme how everyone hates this movies because of a female lead.

I hate to tell you but the entire movie is going to need a fan edit

He removed almost all the parts where they talk so yeah, i guess it’s better now...

Republicans are pissed because they have no carbon copy politician to follow to do as they say.he is leading a party that is tired of the do nothing crap that the Republican and yes,the democratic party run.

You’re a moron go vote clinton and vote for more race pandering to the racist blacks that are Sharpton and his tax dodging army of loafers

It’s easier to blame other people for “keeping you down” rather than try to further yourself in life.

Define “Assault Weapons”? Big, scary, BLACK guns? Take your average “assault” weapon and put wood furniture on it, and it’s a hunting rifle. AGAIN, the problem is NOT the guns, but the PEOPLE who use them!

How lovely!

Ahh yes, of course, “the Japanese voice actors are always better!!!!”

Current State of player base.

Wtf momentum are you talking about?

The cars are atomic powered. They explode like nukes because each car is running on a nuclear reactor.

Forty fucking dollars.

you’d not believe the kind of shit that appeals to casuals.

The black guy was just as scared. Way to make absolutely nothing at all into something sexist. Fuck off.

Pretty sure they all got asked to make a surprised/excited face and that was her interpretation of it.

x-wings can’t melt steel beams