
That'll be the day....

I agree 100% for the SBSettings integration. That's the one reason I Jailbreak, I can't stand going through 4 menus to turn Bluetooth on and off...ridiculous Apple!

Not to be confused with Fornication....another good word to know.

So how am I supposed to lay on the bed, have this app running while looking at all with one hand??? Now that's multi-tasking ;)

A ZERO feedback score...I'll pass thank you very much!

I live in a small town and our local (albeit small) yellow pages book is quite handy. There aren't too many websites for local businesses in a town with a population less than 10 000

@Tom_Servo: Sweet snap. How long was the exposure? Were you out in the boonies somewhere or close to a city?

@Jory: Bleeding hearts unite

for all the people here saying how dumb this girl is take a minute and think about what she is doing.

@Cheese Addict: it's actually the sensor above the door that activates the opening. Like a motion sensor on lights for your house. You can adjust the radius and sensitivity.

4D boxing FTW!!!

@Kirril: the same thing happened to Drew Carey :|

Worst iPhone case ever!

@sergemor: 1,2 are funny coming from a guy with a Dark Side of the Moon Avatar.

Lifehacker brings another site crashing to a hault! Huzah!