
@LaziestManOnMars: Sweet! Maybe we can bundle them with my 51/4" sky blue floppy disks!

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: Double tap iPhone home button to bring up multi tasking, swipe to the right, press orientation lock button

@Dragonis: Not a clue my friend!

Now playing

@Dragonis: That was the mp3 that played when you downloaded Winamp back in the day.

Wait is this a re-post???

Holy Smokes! I just pressed Shift+Command+F and Chrome switched into this new modal way of computing....did Apple push OSX Lion to a select few individuals already??? I love this "new" feature!!!

@Whitson Gordon: HA! That's awesome. I haven't used Winamp in a long time either. I do wish they would make an OSX version, but OSXamp doesn't have the same ring to it as WINamp :(

Yeah but does it still "...Whip the Llamas Ass"?

Now you can be proud of the fact that you went to China and got crabs!

@whatne1wuddo: Harsh way to answer a question don't you think? Too bad we all can't be as cunning a linguist as yourself.

@HK-47: Those are the hottest flight attendants I have ever seen! Dancing or no dancing, I want to fly with them :)

@xaronax: Pollination is overrated anyway!

@LordNige: " me I'm a zoologist"

Now playing

"...alcohol seems to have a fairly straightforward interaction with the GABA-A receptor."

I thought this is what they looked like...

@Yeah!: Really? You are comparing a flat screen TV, something that spends it's life on a stand and never moves. To something that you have on your person all day long, banging into keys, coins, or whatever else on a regular day in a pocket.

Woo-hoo! Something to wash down those potato chips finally!