Doofenschmirtz, Inc.

Rape in the legal sense is what she initially accused him of. She later recanted that statement.

It very much is the topic when you’re calling people hypocrites over it.

In case you haven’t noticed, I dismiss people who insult others. So feel free to fuck the fuck off.

If you’re a member of the reality-based community, not really.

I don’t hate Hillary. In private, she’s probably a really nice person.

Her husband has been accused of unwanted sexual overtures.

None of that really addresses the fact that people’s concerns over this may have nothing to do with their aversion to polyamory.

They’re thinking that this is the sort of opposition research Trump and his team are doing.

Did this boyfriend of yours ever get accused of harrassment or unwanted sexual overtures? Did you wind up marrying him and using his career as a spring-board for your own?

Polyamory doesn’t really cover unwanted sexual overtures.

For one thing, Trump hasn’t been accused of assaulting anybody. When Ivana accused him of marital rape, she subsequently recanted her statement and praised him.

per their research, all those things are safe, so....

They have done nothing but push people to buy their seeds.

Why are they a horrible corporation?

Why fuck Monsanto? As the corporation that pretty much did the bulk of research on GMOs and pushed farmers into buying those seeds, they’re the whole reason GMOs have spread so fast and so wide in farms.

Even as a Crown corporation, they were not required to have that investigation, let alone make it public AND have a lawyer that found their executives guilty.

Ali Velshi does just fine on CNN. And guess where he’s from.

No, not fuck the CBC. Fuck the Crown for not having their shit together.

It’s problematic because the media is selective.

Or maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do.