Doofenschmirtz, Inc.


For one thing, Sharon didn’t sell the sex tape of her children or whore them out to make a living off them, so...

If he does have Parkin Syndrome, I doubt that the recreational drugs helped.

Um, fucking Ted is what got her into her current predicament, so...

She does work (or did work) for Goldman Sachs, and they do God’s work, according to their CEO, so...

More like they are paid to believe that. Getting paid to pray 5 hours a day is a pretty sweet deal, job-wise.

West Point still makes people dress like it’s the 1850s? Wow.

You think they’re not going to increase their prices if this law passes and they have to comply with regulation? haha.

I’m saying it’s costly for them because it’s costly for ANY company to keep and maintain a database of a whole bunch of driver information - people they have never even met.

Legally, yes since only the police has the fingerprint database of criminals.

You’re not getting what I’m saying.

The issue is not that getting a fingerprint check is a hassle.

Actually some do.

I did my time in hotel purgatory, so I know what you’re talking about. I specifically chose to work the breakfast service because I didn’t want to deal with the night drunks, but because they were sometimes short-staffed, I would have to do an evening shift and I hated it. Breakfast people are aholes too, but at least

Get met a subscription to a searchable database of all the legal actions in the US and I bet you that I will find you a settlement, if not a court case.

Stories like this is why I would never be a bartender. Sure you can make some decent money, but the hassle of dealing with drunk aholes waving $5 bills at you is really really really not worth it. Corporate private partie? Sure. Private weddings or bars? No thank you.

False. It’s because people like Joe were given mortgages that the housing bubble happened.

Point taken. I revise my suggestion; replace cat with kid.

Whether this is a case of discrimination we don’t know as the lawsuit is pending and therefore nobody has ruled on it.

Evidence isn’t as cut and dried as you seem to think.