Doofenschmirtz, Inc.

Shopping at IKEA in Sweden must be like an Abbott and Costello routine.

Sorry, but the only thing that’s a gauge of is the ability of the person to lie and bullshit their contributions.

I doubt that HR is to blame.

I agree, but you have to realize that this is a person who interviewed for a teller position, presumably because she’s a bank teller. These are not “highly skilled people”.

So you dumped that company after 4 months, even though they were a “better fit” than the hellish job you left?

So how are they not badmouthing people when they are describing that whole team as the WORST, per your question?

How do you know that you’re getting the same thing, and not some adulterated crap?

Latte addiction is okay. Where you lose me is why you can’t make them at home. You can get the fanciest damn espresso machine known to man for what you spend in 2-3 months at Starbucks.

Actually is is applicable to a LOT of people.

Instead of digging that deep, just listen to the Internet instead.

1. It’s self-reporting to people on their site, so selection bias is an issue
2. It only includes job openings posted on Glassdoor, which is hardly a big player in the job board landscape.
3. Job salaries mean nothing when you don’t take into account the seniority of the job level and education/experience.

For example,

For a shirt that is likely to fall apart in 2 months? Yeah.

For a shirt that is likely to fall apart in 2 months? Yeah.

I think it’s a stretch to say that ‘superior’ quality is something that won’t fall apart in the wash after a couple of months.

I think it’s a stretch to say that ‘superior’ quality is something that won’t fall apart in the wash after a couple

Sure, except for the fact that JCrew factory makes clothes that fall apart almost immediately.

Sure, except for the fact that JCrew factory makes clothes that fall apart almost immediately.

None of this explains why this is a story.

I was listening to this podcast about how marketing forms people’s habits where now it’s “normal” to have bacon,eggs and orange juice as a staple morning meal, when before it wasn’t like that.

Babies are squirmy, so you are limited with what you can do with the baby.

I doubt it because even if they are removing the BPA, they’re putting some other crap in to play the chemical role BPA used to play.

So Apple is okay now?

You can also that with a steamer; you don’t need a sous vide oven or plastic bags.