Good riddance? Can we get someone now who cares about the gamer as much as he/she does about $$$$?
Good riddance? Can we get someone now who cares about the gamer as much as he/she does about $$$$?
I want AOE 2 HD, but not sure it's worth the $20.
I wish Maxis could get out from under EA, like bungie did with MS.
Obvious Troll.
It's people like you who just hand the money over that let this customer raping happen. Congrats.
To hell with EA and drm. No one should buy this game. Ever.
Im so glad i cancelled my pre-order. To hell with EA.
good to know :)
I have a Nexus 7, so I probably get the same feeling as the phone minus the phone calls.
Pretty funny. But this guy seriously needs to get his weight under control.
And it's my 3rd one. They keep breaking.
HTC Evo 3D
And it will. It always does.
Im actually getting ready to do the reverse. Im sick of/bored with android. I've have too many problems with it. My wife just got her iphone 5 and it just works. She complained constantly with her old android phone.
I just cancelled my preorder. Bad and so-so reviews coming in and the drm crap. I'll just save my monies.
I agree. This is why im not buying a console this time around. Sticking with the PC.
Doesnt that thing on top have older gamecube style controller ports?
I have the same issue. got the headers, but nothing shows in the site itself.
Same here. Love the Adaway!
Wish I could do this to the FB app on my phone.