Stop buying games at launch.
Stop buying games at launch.
when they name their apps do they google the names? and what is already named as Pocket rocket? :)
How did you come up with your burner name? We all know you’re secretly a middle-aged woman who thinks there’s too much violence on TV, everyone drives too fast, and those kids won’t stay off your lawn.
I'm surprised that there's no rendition of either Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise for Interview With a Vampire. Lovin the Reaper representation.
Will this work on the original nexus 7?
I've never been able to avoid getting paint on the wheels of these things. For the first 5 passes they work great, then I start painting a line on the opposite wall or ceiling...
My Chrome has been nothing but memory leaks lately - had to switch to Chromium
...and this, coupled with their website redesign, is why I have left Flickr after 10 years.
or "Remote Desktop Tool LogMeIn Announces Plan To Shed Users".
Switching to TeamViewer and never looking back. Fuck you, LogMeIn.
Vote: VLC
Why: so far it opens everything I throw at it. (Period)
keep your Ford. Anyone who thinks a Focus will last as long and need less new parts than a Civic or Camry is on crack.
If you're working for a company that actually rewards that 110% then you're probably in good shape. Too many companies these days though are giving the same benefits and merit increases to the guys giving 110 as the guys giving 75. That's a HUGE de-motivator.
"When you finish a project with an unrealistic deadline, your reward is another project with another unrealistic deadline."
A hipster hat stand. meh.
I personally don't get whats so exciting about new consoles as a pc gamer. Not trying to be elitist but I look forward to nothing besides the few new games they announce. I am not excited for new ways to watch my tv/netflix or access facebook,etc. Can anyone seriously tell me what the hype is about? Is it the all new…