Started Bioshock 2 this weekend. So far it's very cool.
Started Bioshock 2 this weekend. So far it's very cool.
@Apostropartheid: I had to reinstall it to get it to work. A pain, but it's working now.
Activision is the new evil.
To me, games tell a story. Books and movies do the same thing. So I believe them to be works of art. Roger Ebert can go fly a kite.
I installed the beta the other day. It looks nice, but had some serious issues with the ati drivers after the updates.
@AcornPop: I would take the 6hr game over the mindless game play of wow. And yes, I have played it, for years (but no longer).
What's up with the trolls today? Give the guy a break. Geez.
I jumped ship from itunes to WMP a while back. I hated itunes with a passion. Im able to easily sync my music to my android phone with WMP, and it plays anything I throw at it.
@Kryptolojik: Yep same story as always. Pointless to be on cause he doesn't answer anything.
Can we listen to this after the fact?
Wish I could afford one of these small monsters. I never use a touch pad, so I could care less about it.
I'd like to know what we can expect to see in the next dashboard update since the original xbox stuff is offline in 2 days.
I've always been interested in these card games, just never got into them. I played magic a few times but never bought them. Are the video game versions good and easy to learn?
@OmegaSpartan08: Normally I would too, but this friend (who is also my best friend) is very picky about that stuff. Granted, we are older. Im in my late 30's and he's in mid 40's.
@OmegaSpartan08: Yes im appreciative of him. We will swap games on occasion (just to borrow) since we have semi different tastes in games.
@Diesel: Just borrowing them of course :)
Just got bioshock 2 and assasins creed 2 from a friend. Going to get into those soon.
Larry *USED* to be cool when his podcast first started. He seemed to be a genuine guy who happened to play games and work for MS. Now he's a corporate shill who's ego has gone through the roof. It's too bad really.
Boring Eve X 10.