Have to agree with the commenters here. This is trailer park work. Houses usually can not be built without proper storm water management. It's code in most places.
Have to agree with the commenters here. This is trailer park work. Houses usually can not be built without proper storm water management. It's code in most places.
About friggin time.
Im no expert on rap, but I thought GTA3:SA was pretty rap centered. Excellent game. I don't listen to rap, but when I played that game, Ifelt compelled to only listen to the rap stations. Made it feel more realistic. I mean they even modeled the one char after Eazy-E (I think).
Oh, EA. Fuck you.
Sorry. but I wont and will never buy into the apple hype.
You know, if this was an EA game you would all be cursing at the heavens. Funny how that works.
Sims 1 and 2 were terrific. Sims 3 sucks. It was made too easy for the casuals and it still has a ton of technical issues.
Step 1. Uninstall iTunes.
@Tokae: I played Populous 2 on the pc until my eyes bled. Such a great great game!
@CockroachMan: Me too.. Had some of the best games in the past. Not so much now.
I'd still hit Meg White.
So glad i quit playing this a while back. Miss it sometimes, but not the boring addiction. So i guess they are are making all classes playable by just using one button?
@HJSoulma: Oh.. didnt realize is was a pokemon one. Do not want.
I want the yellow one.
@gobblygook: Picture made me LOL at work.
@TheFu: true true. Still a waste of money :)
All this is a glorified iphone made to make apple fanboys part with more of their money. I could get 10x the power with 1/2 the price with another device.
@coffinmouth: Yep. The problem is that they market it all to you like if you dont have it NOW, you will be left out. I hate that. Cause I, well, feel left out.
I remember back in the day where DLC was free. Ill pass.